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您的位置:极速下载站电脑软件安全软件系统安全1st Security Center Pro

1st Security Center Pro下载

系统安全软件 限制用户使用
  • 软件大小:3.18 MB
  • 软件语言:英文
  • 授权方式:共享版
  • 更新时间:2012/1/14
  • 下载次数:275
  • 软件评级:
  • 软件类别:系统安全
  • 软件类型:国外软件
  • 安全检测:360安全卫士通过 电脑管家通过 无插件
  • 运行环境:WinXP,Win7
  • 网友评论:0条
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第一安全中心是一个强大的安全工具,它允许你限制访问到Windows的重要资源。这种易于使用的工具,帮助您保持您的计算机。它使您能够施加各种准入限制,以保护您的隐私。您可以拒绝访问的几个控制面板小程序,包括显示,网络,密码,打印机和系统的每一个单独的组件。您可以禁用开机键,DOS程序,注册表编辑和网络访问。你必须有能力来隐藏桌面图标,单个驱动器??,开始菜单项目和任务栏功能,让您阻止他人篡改您的桌面。如果您设置了特别允许的应用程序列表,没有人会执行有害程序。强大的功能,“用户的工作时间”,可以限制你的孩子,办公室的同事,学生等的工作时间。您可以定义多个时间间隔的时间段来管理用户的工作时间很容易。第一安全中心支持Internet Explorer的安全,使您可以自定义IE浏览器的许多方面。它可以让您禁用单个菜单项,防止他人编辑您的收藏夹,禁用“Internet选项”对话框中的各个选项卡,限制IE浏览器选项的访问。程序可以登录世界卫生组织和您的计算机时采用特殊的日志文件,所以你总是知道谁使用您的计算机。管理员密码可以防止任何人运行程序,并更改设置和卸载程序。 “导入/导出”功能可以帮助您设置了相同的设置上非常简单的几台电脑。安全限制,可普遍适用或只是特定的用户,因为第一安全中心得到的多用户直观的界面。

1st Security Center Pro 图片 01

1st Security Center is a powerful security utility that allows you to restrict access to Windows important resources. This easy-to-use utility helps you to keep your computer in order. It enables you to impose a variety of access restrictions to protect your privacy. You can deny access to each individual component of several Control Panel applets, including Display, Network, Passwords, Printers, and System. You can disable your boot keys, DOS programs, Registry editing and network access. You have got an ability to hide your desktop icons, individual drives, Start menu items and the taskbar features, it enables you to stop others from tampering with your desktop. If you set up the special list of allowed applications nobody will run unwanted programs. The powerful feature "User Working Time" allows you to limit working time for your children , office colleagues , students and so on. You can define several time intervals and time durations to manage users working time very easy. 1st Security Center supports Internet Explorer security that enables you to customize many aspects of the Internet Explorer Web browser. It lets you disable individual menu items, prevent others from editing your Favorites, disable individual tabs in the Internet Options dialog, restrict access to the IE browser options. Also the program can log WHO and WHEN uses your computer to the special log file , so you always know who has used your computer. The administrator password prevents anybody to run the program and change settings and uninstall the program. The "Import/Export" function helps you set up the same settings on several computers very easy. Security restrictions can be applied universally or just to specific users because 1st Security Center has got the multiuser intuitional interface.


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