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大埔区SQL编剧是一个很好的方式来备份你的数据库。脚本中的所有表。SQL文件,并存储该文件在灾难恢复计划的安全位置。如果你像我一样,你的SQL服务器托管服务器上,你没有通过您的本地网络访问到。制作备份文件需要您登录到服务器创建一个备份,然后移动到一个FTP或其他一些地方,你可以得到。与TPD SQL脚本编写者,你可以创建一个简单的SQL文件的脚本所有的表的所有数据备份到一个安全的位置,然后保存该文件。
TPD Sql Script Writer is an excellent way to backup your database. Script all tables to a .SQL file and store that file off in a safe location for disaster recovery plans. If you're like me your SQL server is hosted on a server that you do not have access to through your local network. Making backup files requires you to log onto the server create a backup and then move that to a FTP or some other place that you can get to. With TPD Sql Script Writer you can create a backup of all your data by scripting all your tables to a simple .SQL file and then save that file to a safe location.