您的位置:极速下载站 → 电脑软件 → 行业软件 → 股票证券 → Ashkon Stock Quotes Pro
股票行情Pro是一个软件,即刻下载结束一天的股票的历史价格,互惠基金和公开上市,在美国,加拿大和国际市场指数。它产生于一个可定制的ASCII格式,这使得大多数电子表格和图表/技术分析软件包,如MetaStock,SuperCharts,欧米茄TradeStation,Microsoft Excel和其他历史股价数据兼容股票报价输出。
Stock Quotes Pro is a software which instantly downloads end of day historical prices of stocks, mutual funds and indices publicly traded in US, Canada and international markets. It produces stock quotes output in a customizable ASCII format which makes historical stock prices data compatible with most spreadsheet and charting / technical analysis software packages like MetaStock, SuperCharts, Omega TradeStation, Microsoft Excel and others.