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客户关系管理软件。反映CRM软件使企业能够方便地跟踪客户关系信息,互动,笔记,任务和事件。联系人管理可以帮助企业更好地了解其客户,并与客户建立更紧密的关系。 CRM客户软件整合整个组织的信息,有助于提高客户满意度和忠诚度的顾客。这使企业成为他们的客户和消费者更完整的了解,并帮助一线员工做出更快,更明智的决策。
Customer Relationship Management Software. Reflect CRM Software enables businesses to easily track customer relationship information, interactions, notes, tasks and events. Contact management helps businesses know their customers better and build stronger relationships with clients. CRM Customer Software consolidates customer information across an organization to help increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. This gives businesses more complete insight into their clients and customers, and helps front-line employees make faster, better informed decisions.