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WinSplit Revolution是一个小工具,让您轻松组织通过平铺打开的窗口,调整大小和定位,使他们在你的桌面空间得到充分利用。 WinSplit对于具有高分辨率高端液晶屏幕有用,因为它可以帮助您有效地管理多个活动窗口。例如WinSplit对于戴尔2407FPW显示器的业主有用。正如你可以看到下面的截图中,使用WinSplit的优势是,它节省了拖放通过允许您配置到具体的平铺单元窗口使用简单的键盘热键Windows上。
WinSplit Revolution is a small utility which allows you to easily organize your open windows by tiling, resizing and positioning them to make the best use of your desktop real estate. WinSplit is especially useful for high-end LCD screens with high resolutions because it helps you to efficiently manage many active windows. For example WinSplit is useful for owners of the Dell 2407FPW monitor. As you can see in the screenshots below, the advantages of using WinSplit is that it saves you from having to drag and drop windows by allowing you to snap windows into specific tiled configurations using simple keyboard hotkeys.
相关搜索:WinSplit Revolution 桌面窗口