HL7Spy 是最快,功能最齐全的市场上HL7标准工具。如果你真的想要感受它的功能,我们建议你免费下载并试着使用它。不过,如果你只是想要知道它能够做些什么的话,这里是有一些主要特点的介绍:负载-快速地将文件从1KB,到100MB。
One of the most complex aspects of configuring, and maintaining, healthcare applications is interpreting the semantics of the data being exchanged. HL7Spy has been designed to help HL7 analysts and programmers quickly interpret, and characterize very large HL7 message streams. It quickly reads in 1000s of messages and provides statistics at the message, field, component and subcomponent levels providing great insight into the nature of the data exchange.