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网络活动指示灯是一个专门为windows 7设计的网卡指示灯。windows 7的网络连接图标是不闪烁的,如果你希望在win7中使用xp的网络连接图标,现在可以用这个小软件实现。它支持windows xp和vista风格的指示灯,并且能监视所有网卡,也可以选择只监视某一个网卡。无须安装,单文件直接运行。
Network Activity Indicator displays the old 'two monitors' icon in Windows 7 that flashed blue to show network activity on the System Tray.Unlike the original Windows XP utility (that has individual indicators for each interface), this program indicates outgoing and incoming network packets on all available interfaces.