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Aglowsoft SQL Query Tools 一套SQL语言数据库查询工具,Aglowsoft SQL Query Tools包括了三款数据库工具:Schema Tool、设计器和浏览器,提供了友好的图形化SQL语言编辑界面,让你轻松的使用SQL查询数据库,查询结果可以以树型结构或数据表方式显示,还可以将结果导出到ODBC数据库、Access 2000数据库,或输出成XML和HTML格式。
Aglowsoft SQL Query Tools includes 3 database tools. They are Aglowsoft Schema Tool, Aglowsoft Designer, and Aglowsoft Browser. The tools are designed to allow building of SQL queries with basic knowledge of SQL using user friendly interface. Result sets from SQL queries are presented in a combination form of tree views and table views. Tree view can be printed or exported to an XML file or an LDIF file, and table view can be exported to ODBC database table, Access 2000 database, XML or HTML format.