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SkyDrive Explorer是一款为了满足SkyDrive管理应用的免费Windows Explorer扩展工具。通过SkyDrive Explorer,使用者可以直接在Windows Explorer中操作存储在Microsoft Live SkyDrive上的各种文件,就像操作本地磁盘一样。而且,你并不需要安装配置任何附加程序或ActiveX组件,SkyDrive Explorer会自动管理在线存储。所以,这是一款对SkyDrive用户十分有帮助的小软件。SkyDrive是微软公司推出的在线存储服务,提供25GB免费空间。SkyDrive Explorer不是微软官方发布的应用程序。
SkyDrive Explorer is a management application to meet SkyDrive free Windows Explorer extension tool. By SkyDrive Explorer, users can operate directly in Windows Explorer are stored in the Microsoft Live SkyDrive on the various documents, like the operation of local disk. Also, you do not need to install and configure any additional programs or ActiveX components, SkyDrive Explorer will automatically manage online storage. So, this is a very helpful user on the SkyDrive small software. Microsoft launched SkyDrive online storage service that provides 25GB free space. SkyDrive Explorer is not the official release of Microsoft applications.