您的位置:极速下载站 → 电脑软件 → 网络软件 → 聊天通信 → Messenger Plus! Live
如果有人告诉我回到2001年5月,我开始了创建软件将稍后受世界各地的千百万人使用,我绝不会相信。在撰写本文时,该软件现在所谓的Messenger Plus! Live是使用不低于60万人口,是21种语言翻译成正式和下载并安装超过300万次,每天。不坏了一小免费软件。
If somebody had told me, back in May 2001, that the software I had started to create would later on be used by millions of people across the globe, I would never have believed it. At the time of writing, the software now called Messenger Plus! Live is used by no less than 60 million people, is officially translated into 21 languages and is downloaded and installed more than 300 thousand times a day. Not bad for a little freeware .