您的位置:极速下载站 → 电脑软件 → 应用程序 → 文件管理 → File Properties Changer
可以调整文件的日期和时间,例如建立时间、最近访问时间或最新修改时间。File Properties Changer 让你只需要通过鼠标的几下点击就可以修改文件扩展名,当然也可以改变文件的名字。软件帮助你修改文件的属性,例如:只读、存档、隐藏、系统。File Properties Changer可以批量修改一个目录下的所有文件属性。它还可以保存文件的清单。
File Properties Changer is a Win32 based application designed to change properties of files, file attributes, file name extensions and a name of a file.Program can set the date and time that a file was created, last accessed, or last modified. File Properties Changer lets you change file name extension with few mouse clicks.Application allows to change the name of a file also.Program helps to modify file attributes (Read-only, Archive, Hidden, System).File Properties Changer can process all files in folder (directory).Program can save a list of files.User can print a list of files also.
相关搜索:File Changer Properties 文件属性 文件扩展