您的位置:极速下载站 → 电脑软件 → 应用程序 → 鼠标键盘 → Wheel Here
失去焦点也能滚动任意窗口的鼠标滚轮增强工具。重定向每个鼠标滚轮旋转 ,比如你把光标定位在一个文本区,然后失去焦点无法滚动,它可以帮你重新获得焦点。改变了传统鼠标滚轮的运动方式,这样鼠标的操作就更自由,获得更大的空间!
Wheel Here redirects the mouse wheel rotations to the control at the pointer. While this application is working, you do not have to switch the target of the mouse wheel manually. As an option, this application emulates scroll in need. By turing it on, scroll could be achieved on the controls that do not support the mouse wheel.