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AutoClickExtreme被设计为易于使用,100%可靠!所有操作自动记录,无需编程。这个聪明的计划相结合的一个类似人类的机制的复杂性与普通autoclicker简单。 AutoClickExtreme发现屏幕上的图像,并执行一项行动或其他序列,根据发现什么形象。这种独特的技术提供了强大的功能,如100%完成任务的控制和高速重放记录的行动。
AutoClickExtreme is designed to be easy to use and 100% reliable! All actions are recorded automatically, no programming required. This clever program combines the simplicity of an ordinary autoclicker with the complexity of a human-like mechanism. AutoClickExtreme finds images on the screen and performs one sequence of actions or another, depending on what image is found. This unique technology provides great features like 100% control of fulfilled tasks and high-speed replay of recorded actions.