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Car Wash Calendar 是一款专为洗车研制的一款软件,允许用户组织者他们的客户会谈。它非常适合工人的工作时间计划,以便命令不重叠,并与他人保持原定的会谈。Car Wash Calendar 它会存储诸如客户的地址,电话,电子邮件和意见和其他的相关客户的信息。Car Wash Calendar 同样还具有提醒功能。
Car Wash Calendar is a specifically developed for the car wash, a software that allows users to organizers of their customers talks. It is ideal for workers' working hours scheme, so that the command does not overlap with others to maintain the original talks. Car Wash Calendar, it will store data such as customer address, telephone, e-mail, and opinions and other relevant customer information. Car Wash Calendar is the same also set reminders.