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搜索和替换多个Microsoft Excel试算表。改变超链接和UNC路径时,服务器获得改名;更新的名称,地址和电话号码;翻译试算表与查找/替换名单。自动处理只读文件,密码和其他的保护。无用户交互需要。取代超文本链接,书签,文本框,形状下拉领域,文件属性和更多。国际标准化组织的更新版本。
Search and replace multiple Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Change the hyperlinks and the UNC path name, server access; update the name, address and telephone number; translation spreadsheets and find / replace list. Automatic processing of read-only files, passwords and other protection. No user interaction required. Replace the hypertext links, bookmarks, text box, the shape of the drop areas, file attributes and more. International Organization for standardization of the updated version.