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NetResident是网络内容的分析监控,存储,重建网络事件和活动,如电子邮件,网页,下载文件,即时消息和VoIP通话的广泛应用而设计的。 NetResident采用先进的监测技术来捕获网络上的数据,并将数据保存到数据库,重建它,并显示在一个简单的理解的格式内容。
NetResident is a network content analysis application designed to monitor, store, and reconstruct a wide range of network events and activities, such as e-mail messages, Web pages, downloaded files, instant messages, and VoIP conversations. NetResident uses advanced monitoring technology to capture the data on the network, saves the data to a database, reconstructs it, and displays the content in an easy-to-understand format.