您的位置:极速下载站 → 电脑软件 → 网络软件 → 网络其他 → Tembria Server Monitor
一个可以给系统管理者用来管理你的网络状况及网络监测的软件,你可以监看有哪些服务器(网站服务器,材数据库服务器, 及路由器)服务正在开放中及其效能,也会发出网络错误讯息来提醒你,它可以透过电话或呼叫器的模式来告诉你网络出了状况。它还具有保护网络资料遗失的功能,并纪录详细的系统logfile的功能。
Used to manage a system administrator of your network status and network monitoring software, you can monitor what the server (web server, database server materials, and routers) is opening up its performance, will be issued by the network errormessage to remind you that it can be by phone or pager mode to tell you the network out of the situation. It also has to protect network data loss, and detailed record of the system logfile.