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Feed Mix下载 4.96

RSS阅读器和编辑软件 网页或网站RSS编辑修改
  • 软件大小:1.97 MB
  • 软件语言:英文
  • 授权方式:共享版
  • 更新时间:2012/3/23
  • 下载次数:354
  • 软件评级:
  • 软件类别:主页辅助
  • 软件类型:国外软件
  • 安全检测:360安全卫士通过 电脑管家通过 无插件
  • 运行环境:WinXP,Win7
  • 网友评论:0条
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混合饲料是RSS编辑器,这是足够强大的RSS大师还令人耳目一新的RSS初来乍容易。它允许你创建,编辑和出版的RSS feed和播客的数量不受限制。独特的混合饲料是其能力,以创建一个新的RSS种子或播客,从几个现有饲料。该方案给出了一个有用的工具的主机,包括一个所见即所得的饲料编辑器,一个内置的RSS阅读器,博客客户端,HTML编辑器,图像编辑器,XML编辑器和FTP上传工具。所有这些和其他工具提供直观透明的用户界面,使RSS创造和维护出奇的简单,即使对于一个新秀。从几个人创建了一个新的RSS饲料是一件轻而易举的,不需要任何先进的计算机知识。你应该指定从选定的RSS新闻联播你想看到你在新的RSS提要,所有的混合工作做饲料混合。你点击“新建项目”按钮,创建一个新的RSS提要,选择源RSS源,并把它们添加到饲料中拌入。每一个新的饲料自动加载,并在视图区域中显示其内容。然后,您可以添加饲料,如主题,或一个项目的形象信息。此外,你可以修改的项目饲料的布局,如果这是必要的。一旦你有饲料,你可以把它上传到网站使用内置的FTP上传和发布设施。

Feed Mix 图片 01

Feed Mix is an RSS editor, which is powerful enough for RSS gurus yet refreshingly easy for RSS first timers. It lets you create, edit and publish the unlimited number of RSS feeds and podcasts. Unique to Feed Mix is its ability to create a new RSS feed or a podcast from several existing feeds. The program gives a great host of useful tools, including a WYSIWYG feed editor, a built-in RSS reader, a blog client, an HTML editor, an image editor, an XML editor and an FTP upload facility. All these and other tools are delivered in an intuitively transparent user interface that makes RSS creation and maintenance surprisingly simple even for a rookie. Creating a new RSS feed from several others is a breeze and doesn't require any advanced knowledge of the computer. You should specify which news from the selected RSS feeds you would like to see in your new RSS feed, and all the mixing job is done by Feed Mix. You click on the "New Project" button to create a new RSS feed, select the source RSS feeds and add them to Feed Mix. Every new feed is loaded automatically and its content is displayed in the view area. You can then add the feed information such as topics, or an image to the project. Also, you can modify the layout of the Project feed if this is necessary. Once you have the feed, you can upload it to the website using the built-in FTP upload and publishing facility.


相关搜索:RSS阅读器 RSS Feed

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