您的位置:极速下载站 → 电脑软件 → 应用程序 → 转换翻译 → Ailt Excel to Image Converter
ailt Excel的图像转换器是一种灵活易用的Excel文件到图像文件转换。有了它,你可以批量转换的XLS,XLSX,xlsm格式文件的任何类型的图像,如JPEG,支持JPG,BMP,PNG,EMF,WMF的,的TIFF,GIF,PCX,JP2,J2K的等输出的图像质量是超级保留原有文本,图像,布局等的处理速度是非常快的。友好的用户界面是非常容易使用,只是点几下。
Ailt Excel to Image Converter is a flexible and easy Excel document to image file converter. With it, you can batch convert your XLS, XLSX, XLSM format files to any type of images like JPEG, JPG, BMP, PNG, EMF, WMF, TIFF, GIF, PCX, JP2, J2K etc. The output image quality is super good with preserving the original text, image, layout etc. The processing speed is very fast. User-friendly interface is very easy to use with merely a few clicks.