gnumeric的源代码和免费提供的,根据GNU通用公共许可证的条款授权。这便于审核,并自定义扩展。 gnumeric的大型电子表格处理,而其余的响应。电子表格应计算正确的答案。 gnumeric的内置的功能和工具是准确的。报告赞扬一个更准确的比领先的专有的电子表格gnumeric的。
Gnumeric and its source code are available free of charge, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This makes it easy to audit, and make custom extensions. Gnumeric handles large spreadsheets while remaining responsive. A spreadsheet should calculate the right answer. Gnumeric's built-in functions and tools are accurate. A report praised Gnumeric as more accurate than leading proprietary spreadsheets.