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ABC Birthday Reminder下载 2.50 安装极速版

  • 软件大小:12.9 MB
  • 软件语言:英文
  • 授权方式:共享版
  • 更新时间:2011/3/9
  • 下载次数:271
  • 软件评级:
  • 软件类别:信息管理
  • 软件类型:国外软件
  • 安全检测:360安全卫士通过 电脑管家通过 无插件
  • 运行环境:WinXP,Win7
  • 网友评论:0条
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用Birthday Reminder、你将再也不会忘记朋友、亲戚及伙伴的生日。软件会在生日当天弹出窗口提醒,你可以决定它是否随windows一起启动或者在后台运行

ABC Birthday Reminder 图片 01

Missing a dental appointment is an unpleasant thing, missing a scheduled call to your client overseas puts you into an even more uneasy situation, but missing your best friend's birthday is embarrassing beyond any comparison. If you feel that sometimes you can't keep up with the pace of your life and can't keep track of dozens of important events, specialized software with an advanced notification system will be the remedy that you so desperately need. And if you don't know where to start, take a look at ABC Birthday Reminder - and it may well become your favorite for good! The name of ABC Birthday Reminder speaks for itself - it's a comprehensive toolkit that keeps detailed information about birthdays and other remarkable events. You can enter recurring events, gift descriptions, gift cost calculations, notifications and store all this information in a searchable database. Not only does the program contain your own information, but also features a holiday database supporting the MS Outlook HOL format. ABC Birthday Reminder starts silently when the OS loads and stays in the system tray, so you can easily access it at any time with a single click. The software offers a variety of calendar views and comes preloaded with dozens of skins and color schemes. Which is more, you can synchronize events with Microsoft Outlook and even export them to popular formats! Remembering your friend's birthdays won't be necessary anymore - even if you don't use your computer every day, you can easily print out the list of upcoming birthdays for a month or year and keep it on paper nearby. If you want to avoid embarrassing situations and having to call your friends in an apologetic tone, check out ABC Birthday Reminder! It has perfect memory and will never let you miss an important date in your life!


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