您的位置:极速下载站 → 电脑软件 → 应用程序 → 扫描打印 → STG FolderPrint Plus
STG FolderPrint可以打印硬盘里所有文件和目录信息,可以按照树状的结构,打印出美观的图形样式报表,并包括目录大小等详细资料。并且还有强大个过滤功能,能指定目录展开的层数,依照任何项目排序,及计算目录大小等等功能。使用者可以自行设定颜色、背景、标题、表头、注脚等项目,还有预览的功能,功能相当齐全。支持HTML和ASCII两种不同的格式,使用者可自行选择。
STG FolderPrint hard drive can print all the files and directory information, in accordance with the structure of the tree, print out the beautiful graphic style reports, and includes detailed information on the directory size. And there are strong a filter function, can expand the number of layers specified directory, sorted in accordance with any project, and the calculated size of the directory and more. Users can set their own color, background, title, header, footer and other projects, as well as preview function, functions are complete. HTML and ASCII support two different formats, the user can choose.