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Emailarchitect Email Server是一个快速、安全的邮件服务器,它完全遵守SMTP/POP3/SSL/WEBMAIL邮件协议。服务器引擎是建立在流行的电子邮件和ANPOP ANSMTP组件的基础上的。它提供了简单的邮件传输协议(SMTP)发送邮件服务和邮局协议Version3(p op3)检索电子邮件。它允许用户从网站brower上访问他们的电子邮件。
Emailarchitect Email Server is a fast, secure mail server, it is in full compliance with SMTP/POP3/SSL/WEBMAIL mail protocol. Server engine is based on the popular e-mail and ANPOP ANSMTP components based on. It provides a simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail service and Post Office Protocol Version3 (p op3) to retrieve e-mail. It allows users to access them from the site brower e-mail.
相关搜索:Server 邮件服务器 服务器配置 Email Emailarchitect