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这个程序监测,在网络和系统上报告和警告可用性。能够因为HTTP,HTTPS 监测任何TCP端口,ftp网络新闻传输协议,POP3简单邮件传输协议,VNC 和DNS 协议,和任何其他基于TCP 的协议。检查Oracle,MySQL 和ODBC 数据库,SNMP从网服务器验证内容,记录到POP3 或者ftp服务器中,通过简单邮件传输协议寄给试验电子邮件,和检查中立区伺候和处理可用性。
This program monitors the network and systems availability of reports and warnings. Able because the HTTP, HTTPS monitor any TCP port, ftp Network News Transfer Protocol, POP3 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, VNC and DNS protocols, and any other TCP-based protocol. Check Oracle, MySQL and ODBC databases, SNMP authentication server from the network content, records, or ftp to the POP3 server, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol via e-mail sent to trial, and check the neutral zone and wait on the availability of treatment.
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