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Undelete 360是一款简单易用功能强大的数据恢复软件,用于恢复由于病毒攻击,人为错误,软件或硬件故障丢失的文件和文件夹。无需安装,解压即可使用。Undelete 360支持从回收站,优盘,相机被删除的文件,以及任何其他数据存储的文件。使用智能优化算法,内置的缓存系统,该工具具有令人难以置信的快速扫描硬盘驱动器。
Undelete 360 is one of the best programs to use for restoring accidentally or unintentionally deleted files from your computer, regardless of storage medium.Built on a very fast and efficient algorithm, the program will browse, search, and recover files that have been deleted as a result of an accident, a virus, or software and computer failures.
相关搜索:数据恢复 删除文件 Undelete360