DocPad 是一款功能丰富的笔记本程序的替代软件。除了标准的功能之外,该软件还提供了包括10级取消操作系统,字母顺序排列,段落缩进/无缩进,书签,大写字母转换,编码转换,文件历史记录,跳转到行,跳转到偏移量,键盘宏,搜索和替换,拼写检查,统计表,可变倾斜度字体等在内的许多高级功能。DocPad 还包括一个内置的计算器,日历和字符映射表。
DocPad is a free alternative to Notepad. Although it fills the same role, plain text editing, it offers an arsenal of time-saving tools: block indent/unindent, bookmarking, case conversion, customizable toolbar, encoding conversion, file history, jump to line/offset, keyboard macros, print preview, search and replace, skinnable interface, spell checking, statistics, variable pitch font, and much more. It also includes a built-in calculator, calendar, and character map.