您的位置:极速下载站 → 电脑软件 → 网络软件 → 搜索引擎 → Zoom Search Engine 6.0 Build
Zoom Search Engine是一个网站开发套件,可以让你在网站服务器中轻易建立功能强大的搜寻引擎。它可以透过预览索引快速显示搜寻结果。不同于其它依靠服务器端软件的方案,Zoom是直接从你的计算机执行。
Zoom is a software package that creates a search engine for your website, intranet, CD, or DVD. It provides fast and powerful full-text searching by indexing your website in advance with an user friendly desktop application that allows you to configure and index your site, from the convenience of your Windows computer.