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MSN跟踪监控是一个MSN的间谍工具,可以自动捕捉并记录网络上的所有MSN聊天信息。它非常容易使用。只是网络上的任何计算机上运行,并开始捕获和侦察。 MSN跟踪监视侦察和记录所有从网络上的任何一台PC的谈话。您可以直接显示在MSN的所有邮件跟踪监控的HTML文件在一个目录以供日后分析或导出这些间谍的消息。你可以选择是否打开后,您手动将其保存的HTML文件自动。 MSN跟踪监控显示与本地邮件的蓝色和红色显示的远程消息。并显示消息被发送时的时间。与MSN跟踪监控,你可以很容易地窥探和看到的任何一台计算机的谈话,这些谈话的所有邮件列表。
MSN Track Monitor is a MSN SPY tool that can automatically capture and record all MSN chat messages on your network. its very easy to use. Just run it on any computer on your network, and start to capture and spy. MSN Track Monitor will spy and record all conversation from any PC on your network. You can show all messages in MSN Track Monitor directly or export these spy messages to HTML files in a directory for later analysis. You can choose whether open the HTML files automatically after you save it manually. MSN Track Monitor show local messages with the blue color and show the remote messages with the red color. and show the time when the message was sent. With MSN Track Monitor, you can easily spy and see the Conversation list of any computer and all messages about these conversations.