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DeduplicationWizard是一个Excel文件(dedulplication软件/重复数据删除软件)的重复数据删除方案。重复数据删除可以使用的电话号码,电子邮件地址和邮政地址。当重复数据删除是基于邮政地址 - 即名称,街道,邮政编码和城市 - 该程序,然后还认为错字,倒字和补充。然后,这是一个模糊/容错的重复数据删除。当然,这有助于直接降低成本。与两个文件,选择退出名单/罗宾逊列表/公安部列表之间的重复数据删除,也可以考虑考虑,这可以为您节省了不少麻烦,那些谁不希望接收营销邮件的客户。
DeduplicationWizard is a program for the deduplication of Excel files (dedulplication software / dedupe software). Deduplication can be done using the telephone number, the email address and the postal address. When the deduplication is based on the postal address – i.e. name, street, postal code and city – the program then also considers typos, inverted words and additions. It is then a fuzzy / error-tolerant deduplication. This, of course, helps to directly reduce costs. And with the deduplication between two files, opt-out lists / Robinson lists / MPS lists can also be taken into account, which can save you a lot of trouble with those customers who do not wish to receive marketing mailings.