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Raylectron下载 2.11

SketchUp的渲染插件工具 为图像增添炫特效
  • 软件大小:1.92 MB
  • 软件语言:英文
  • 授权方式:共享版
  • 更新时间:2020/2/5
  • 下载次数:585
  • 软件评级:
  • 软件类别:图像处理
  • 软件类型:国外软件
  • 安全检测:360安全卫士通过 电脑管家通过 无插件
  • 运行环境:WinXP,Win7
  • 网友评论:0条
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raylectron 2.11 sketchup的渲染插件工具<p>Raylectron is a cost-effective, concise and powerful SketchUp rendering plug-in. In the 64form, you can create any size image. The only limit is your memory by size. To provide users with four different rendering form. According to the scene, you can get the real shadow rendering method for tracking effect, perhaps by not directly illuminating ray tracing and photon mapping rendering method. Can be more your request to create a unique effect. There are four type of light source. In the sun, the sky, ambient occlusion and configuration of any material as the source of light ( luminous ) and various types of light angle configuration. Can any configuration of any material properties that can occur as the result, such as specular reflection, refraction ( such as glass ), transparency, gloss, gloss, bump mapping, normal mapping and background image. The shadow calculation is it right?" False or simulated as soft shadow". Shadow is also true of the calculation, with soft shadow attributes. To be able to use all the CPU kernel and multithreading ( you can freely choose from ), but the rendering speed as fast! Support for HDR mapping and can be kept for a HDR rendering image and further processing, you can use image editing software Photoshop < / a > treatment and storage for JPG, PNG and other formats. Once included almost all the default rendering configuration, you need to do is to fine-tune the output. Thus rendering is so easy, and no longer need other software for further processing. The rendering process and SketchUp sequence is separated, allowing you to edge rendering, and continue to continue to use SketchUp holding model and design work. Can let you stop rendering and storage consequences, later can open it again, and continue to hold the rendering. Allows you to rotation, translation, scaling and correcting your rendering model of any material and lighting effects to your customers see. Do not need to render time remove blocking the vision of the walls and the wall you can see hidden end wall interior rendering, this time you only need to use X light form. Can be rendered three-dimensional rendering result, and outputs a OBJ file. Plug is a powerful professional for the building design division, landscape designers, interior designers, set up the card, engineering general contracting, education, industrial design and create, amateurs and other design professional renderer.</p>为图像增添炫特效


相关搜索:图像特效 Raylectron 渲染插件




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