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逆转录张璇Lite是团队开发的摇椅自定义Windows 7作业系统,并使其建兴。您可以添加壁纸,图标,主题,整合更新,驱动程序,语言包,应用程序,删除组件,启用或禁用功能,无人值守安装设置,可引导ISO和USB的创造者等,将是非常容易操作,改变作风您的Windows 7操作系统。
RT Se7en Lite is developed by Rockers Team to customize windows 7 operating system and to make it lite. You can add wallpapers, Icons, themes, integrate updates, drivers, language packs, applications, remove components, enable or disable features, unattended installation settings, bootable ISO and USB creator , etc. It will be very easy to operate and changing the style of your windows 7 operating system.