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EasyTune是技嘉推出的基于Windows平台的超频工具, 经历了漫长的5系列后,近期终于升级到了Easy Tune6版本。使用该工具,用户可以按照自己的特点选择Easy Mode或者Advanced Mode。对于选择Easy Mode的用户,只需点击Auto Optimize就可以自动实现CPU超频,软件会自动尝试可能使用的频率,并将结果显示在控制面板上。如果用户精通超频,就可以选择Advanced Mode,利用它你可以小范围的修改主频,充分地发挥系统的最高性能。EasyTune还是一款技嘉主板状况监测软件,用户可以调节设定CPU/AGP/Memory的电压和频率,可以设定系统风扇和系统温度的极限报警范围,还能调节System Bus的频率,在EasyTune的控制界面上,一目了然的显示着当前系统各项状态,可以让用户及时发现自己系统的隐患。新版软件主要增加了对Intel X58系列主板的支持。注意安装之前需要卸载以前的EasyTune版本以及GWUM驱动
GIGABYTE EasyTune is based on Windows platform overclocking utility, after a lengthy 5-series, the recent upgrade to the Easy Tune6 last version. Use the tool, users can choose their own features Easy Mode or Advanced Mode. Users who choose Easy Mode, simply click on Auto Optimize CPU overclocking can automatically, the software will automatically try to be the frequency of use, and displays the results on the control panel. If the user proficient in overclocking, you can choose Advanced Mode, you can use it to modify the frequency of small-scale, full play to the highest system performance. Or a Gigabyte motherboard EasyTune status monitoring software, users can adjust the setting CPU / AGP / Memory voltage and frequency, you can set the system limits the fan and system temperature warning range, but also adjust the System Bus frequency, in the EasyTune the control interface, clear display with the status of the current system, allowing users to discover their own system of hidden dangers. The new release mainly adds support for Intel X58 motherboards. Note need to uninstall before installing the previous version, and GWUM drive EasyTune...