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蜂鸣代码查看器是一个简单的工具,将解释BIOS错误提示音码的所有主要的PC BIOS的制造商(急性心肌梗死,奖励,凤凰,IBM公司)。如果你曾经失败的电脑开机自我测试,你就知道这可能是多么有用。通常你只会得到一些哔声模式 - 一长三短,说 - 然后离开你的系统手册,找出可能意味着这些声音可以打猎。与蜂鸣代码查看器,不过,这一切都非常不同。该方案是可移植的,因此将它保存到USB闪存驱动器,您可以从几乎任何PC上。然后选择你的BIOS类型(它可以说在启动屏幕上,如果你仍然得到一),在哔声代码你是一个什么它试图告诉你,如何解决听力问题的详细描述,然后按一下。
The Beep Codes Viewer is a simple tool that will explain the BIOS error beep codes for all the main PC BIOS manufacturers (AMI, AWARD, Phoenix, IBM). If you’ve ever had a PC fail its power-on self-test then you’ll know how useful this can be. Typically you’ll just get some pattern of beeps – one long and three short, say – and then be left hunting for your system manual to find out what these noises could possibly mean.With the Beep Code Viewer, though, it’s all very different. The program is portable, so save it to a USB flash drive and you can launch it from just about any PC. Then choose your BIOS type (it may say on the boot screen, if you still get one), and click on the beep code you’re hearing for a detailed description of what it’s trying to tell you, and how to fix the problem.