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从Windows Vista开始,微软使用符号链接和NTFS文件系统的交接点,以使Windows文件夹中的结构变化,并保持对旧版本Windows编写的应用程序的兼容性。此实用工具只显示您的所有符号链接并在指定的文件夹路口,他们的目标路径的列表。它还允许您保存符号链接/路口成文字/的HTML / XML / CSV文件清单。
Starting from Windows Vista, Microsoft uses symbolic links and junction points of NTFS file system in order to make changes in the folders structure of Windows and keep the compatibility of applications written for older versions of Windows. This utility simply shows you a list of all symbolic links and junctions in the specified folder, and their target paths. It also allows you to save the symbolic links/junctions list into text/html/xml/csv file.
相关搜索:查看器 NTFS NTFSLinksView 符号