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WinFontsView是一个小工具,它枚举系统上安装的所有字体,并显示在一个简单的桌子上。每个字体,WinFontsView提请5字体大小不同的样品,以便让您轻松查找和选择所需的字体,你的需要。 WinFontsView还允许您查看的字体为粗体,斜体或下划线,以及它允许??你导出到HTML文件中的字体列表。
WinFontsView is a small utility that enumerates all fonts installed on your system, and displays them in one simple table. For each font, WinFontsView draws 5 samples of the font in different sizes, in order to allow you to easily find and choose the desired font that you need. WinFontsView also allows you to view the fonts as Bold, as Italic or with underline, as well as it allows you to export the fonts list into html file.
相关搜索:查看器 字体 WinFontsView