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SlimCleaner是一款Windows系统优化清理工具,它可以帮助用户清理各种应用程序生成的垃圾文件,优化系统启动项和服务,卸载不再使用的应用程序,粉碎隐私文件等。SlimCleaner 是一款微软认证的系统清理、优化工具,功能介于CCleaner 和360 安全卫士清理功能之间,可以利用其提供的云功能里的优化建议,进行自动优化。
Slimcleaner is a system of tools optimize windows starts to clean, it can help users to clean up various applications resulting in the file, optimized system restart and services, the uninstall from the application, smash privacy documents. microsoft certified slimcleaner is a system of liquidation, the tools and functions between ccleaner and 360 security guard functions can be made clear, between the functions of the clouds in the proposal for automatic tuning.
相关搜索:系统优化 系统清理 SlimCleaner