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BlindBossKey Pro 一款功能强大的隐藏窗口工具,程序和可执行文件的预置热键。你可以在您的桌面上隐藏任何可见的窗口,有一些特殊的特点,BlindBossKey Pro隐藏在w indows任务栏上的所有工具,它能锁住你的电脑,隐藏窗口显示分辨率等等,它隐藏窗口可以同时进行。
BlindBossKey can hide and restore the windows (programs) on your screen with the preset hotkey(mouse-button is supported) which is usally called the 'boss key'. It will cover all the tracks of the running programs and their windows by hiding them also from the task bar. In addition to that Boss Key will not close the applications but keep them hidden in the background thus preserving your data at the point of interruption. All you need to do when the threat has passed is to hit the 'Show Window' hot-key (you can set different hotkey for hidding and restoring) to restore your work at the point of interruption.
相关搜索:窗口隐藏 BlindBossKey