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Joy RingTone Converter可以让你用MP3、WAVE或者CD的音频制作自己的铃声。根据手机的空间情况,可以选择音质优先或者文件大小优先。它还提供了自动将MP3或WAVE转为铃声的功能。
Joy RingTone Converter enables you to create your own ringtones by converting your MP3, WAVE files and CD tracks to the most common Ringtone format, including MMF, AMR, MP3, MIDI, WAV, AAC, 3GP and MP4. The contained CD Ripper extracts digital audio CD tracks to audio formats of WAV and MP3 with excellent output quality and high ripping speed, and the MP3 Compressor can reduce the size of MP3 files by 30%-70%, save valuable space for your Mobile Phone.