您的位置:极速下载站 → 电脑软件 → 图形图像 → 图像捕捉 → Windows Snapshot Grabber
Windows Snapshot Grabber 是一款完全免费的屏幕捕获软件,能够让您得心应手地捕获到需要的屏幕截图。捕捉图像方式灵活,主要可以捕捉整个屏幕、活动窗口、选定区域等,图像输出方式多样,主要包括文件、剪贴板和邮件。软件具有设置捕捉前延时、自定义捕捉热键、图像文件自动按时间或模板命名、捕捉成功声音提示、预览捕捉图片、图像打印、图像水印、图像反色、图像翻转、图像旋转等功能。捕捉到的图像能够以保存图像文件、复制到剪贴板等多种方式输出。
Windows Snapshot Grabber is a completely free screen capture software that allows you to capture the need handy screenshot. Flexible way to capture images, mainly to capture the entire screen, active window, selected area, etc., the image output varied, including documents, clipboard and email. Software has set the delay before capture, custom hotkey capture, image file names automatically by time or template to capture the success of voice prompts, the preview image capture, image printing, image watermarking, image anti-color, image flip, image rotation, etc. function. Captured images can save the image file, copy to the clipboard and other methods output.