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Moyea SWF to MP4 Converter for Apple TV是下载和转换Flash投影机和闪存的苹果电视和其他便携设备MP4视频的最佳选择。优于其它SWF转换器,漠野转换闪存的MP4不错的视频和音频同步,没有帧丢失和没有音频失真。漠野,用户可以享受如批次的MP4视频转换便携设备上的Flash SWF在旅途中,闪存的iPod,iPhone,苹果电视等转换到MP4
Moyea SWF to MP4 Converter for Apple TV is the best choice for downloading and converting Flash projector and flash to mp4 videos for Apple TV and other portable devices. Better than other SWF Converters, Moyea convert flash to MP4 with pretty good video and audio synchronization, no loss of frames and no audio distortion. with Moyea, users could enjoy MP4 video converted from flash swf on portable devices on the go, such as batch convert flash to MP4 for iPod, iPhone, Apple TV and etc.