您的位置:极速下载站 → 电脑软件 → 多媒体类 → 音频播放 → AV MP3 Player Morpher
AV MP3播放器变形是多功能的数字音乐和音频编辑音频工作室。变形通过改变声音,节奏,以及添加效果和节拍的音乐。播放,捕捉和记录音乐,转换,翻录,刻录MP3和CD的。编辑光盘封面和标签。功能齐全,包括光盘,电影,音频和视频剪辑。
AV MP3 Player Morpher is versatile audio studio for digital music and audio editing. Morph music by changing voice, tempo as well as adding effects and beats. Play, capture & record music, convert, rip, and burn MP3s & CDs. Edit CD Cover & Label. Full functions included to make CDs, movies, audio & video clips.